Fuck depression, fuck anxiety, fuck them demons scratching at the inside of your skull, fuck them demons in your chest that make it hard to breathe. We must eradicate all off these enemies, they are no friends of ours.

People struggling with poor mental health is so prevalent in today’s society. Its scary. As someone who suffers with depression, ranging from just feeling a bit off, all the way to the crippling feeling of utter dread that swallows you whole and drags you to hell, I have made it my absolute purpose to be an advocate for this issue, to help others in need and to show everyone that there are many ways that we can combat this sickness of the mind.

Please remember though, I am no doctor. I am just man who wants to make a difference.

The answer most of us are given when seeking help, is to choke down medication, that is something I am personally not about. I am not saying that medication isn’t effective, what I’m saying is that we have to be diligent and proactive in finding other methods to help us deal with our demons and issues. For me, one of the best tools against these things, is strength training. There is something about total physical exertion, self empowerment and the hunger to improve ourselves that can be overwhelmingly victorious over the enemy. Walking into the gym, putting on some headphones with your favourite music, or just socialising with likeminded peers and fucking destroying everything in your way is so powerful. Even destroying yourself in the gym is a powerful tool, I like to say that it is constructive self harm. Because once we are destroyed, we force ourselves back to our feet, we heal, we come back stronger. Always stronger. We become a walking testament to what it is to overcome. We become aware of the power we possess, We become aware that we have the power to destroy the demons of our mind.

I have countless people reach out to me, from all over the world, seeking advice on this issue, and every time, I tell them that they need to start training if they aren’t already. But the issue is that most people that reach out to me already train and still struggle. The truth is, your mind is a battlefield, and its constantly going to be at war with the darkness, what we must do, is create an army, that will prevent that darkness from ever truly taking over. So in saying that, Its absolutely important to not rely purely on training strictly as our only tool to fight. We must have multiple hobbies or tools we can use to improve our mental health. Another huge one for me, is riding my motorcycle. It is extremely freeing and powerful. The wind against your face, hearing it scream when you give it some gas, its something else and I fucking love it. Ive never ever gotten off my motorcycle and not felt better. Your choice of weapon may be different to mine, and that’s fine. You do what makes you happy.

Another reason we must not rely on just strength training, is because there are them times when we have horrible days in the gym, and that does not help our cause. It is so important to realise this and to utilise all the tools at our disposal. Understand that it is foolish and not in your best interest to think that training is all that you need. Depression and Anxiety are a relentless nemesis, they won’t stop, so we can not stop, ever. Continue to find new ways to overcome the enemy.

This is a fight for your life, you better believe it. So fucking fight.

Also understand, the progress we make against the enemy is never linear. Accept that we may take a step back sometimes, but instead of allowing that to send you on a downward spiral, accept that you lost a battle, then take five steps forward, and win the fucking war. We may bend, but we will never break.