I swear, if I have to see another video of someone with shit technique, lifting with bands or chains on instagram ever again, I swear to God I will, uh, I will write an article about it and put it on my website. Oh wait. I guess by now you could safely assume that I have an aversion towards training with bands and chains. What I can say, is entirely accurate.

Naturally, us lifters, when things aren’t going right for us in the gym, we look for answers on how to get back on the path of progression. Sadly, lots of people look in the wrong place and get only the wrong answers. I see so many individuals with technique that was found wanting, or more simply put, fucking rubbish. These people tend to break down their lifting, find a sticking point, then try to attack this weakness by overloading a certain range of motion, hoping this is the answer to their issue. Unfortunately, literally almost every single time, the weakness, or ‘sticking point’ is actually a failure in technique, leading them to be in a poor or weaker position, which causes the lift to breakdown and potentially be missed. I guarantee you, if you give up the bullshit bands and chains, and spend your time focusing improving your technique, work towards the impossible task of perfection, you will absolutely be rewarded, I promise.

Bands and chains aren’t the only issue, there is a whole world of bullshit out there that I pray to Satan, you never bear witness to. But the message I want to send you is this.

Unless you lift with absolutely perfect technique, work on that. Fuck the bands, chains, pin press, pin squats etc, etc off. Stop wasting your own, precious time, and get more out of the effort you put in.

If you lift with already perfect technique and you can’t progress any further, then maybe it is time to consider all that other fancy bullshit. But it is with a heavy heart, that I’m sorry to say, there is no such thing as perfect technique you cheeky fucks. You’re welcome.

So, it’s all in that famous saying, keep it simple, fuckhead. If you’re guilty of choosing bullshit over good technique, please, give it a try. I was even guilty of using chains on a bench press when I barely even knew how to bench. Eventually I redeemed myself, it’s not too late. I stopped being a mediocre piece of shit, now I am the shit. Suck It.